Sometimes, before I realize it (and, I’m sure, others too) I do a bunch of work, that turns out that I didn’t need to do before. The RangeAddress function that I created is a perfect example of this. This function goes from a column number to a letter and returns the whole string range address. I started off with someones else’s code. I then made it work for me. Their code only worked for Excel 2003 and below. The code below will work for All Excel versions. But there is a better way! The better way is in the RRange function I posted about before. Below this code I’ll show you the basic gist on how to go about it.
' --------------------------------------------------------------
'Comments: This function returns the string address.
'Arguments: lRow Row number of first row.
' lColumn Column number of first column.
'Date Developer History
'Feb 14, 2011 Jon Nyman Initial version
Public Function RangeAddress(ByRef lRow As Long, ByRef lColumn As Long, _
Optional ByVal lRow2 As Long = 0, Optional ByVal lColumn2 As Long = 0 _
, Optional ByVal sAddress As String = vbNullString) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim lColumnNumber As Long
Dim sColumn As String, sColumn2 As String, sColumnLetter As String
On Error GoTo RangeAddress_Error
For i = 0 To 1
If i = 0 Then
lColumnNumber = lColumn
lColumnNumber = lColumn2
End If
sColumnLetter = vbNullString
If lColumnNumber < 27 Then
sColumnLetter = Chr(lColumnNumber + 64)
ElseIf lColumnNumber < 703 Then
sColumnLetter = Chr((lColumnNumber – 1) \ 26 + 64) & Chr(((lColumnNumber – 1) Mod 26) + 65)
sColumnLetter = Chr((lColumnNumber – 27) \ 676 + 64) & Chr(((lColumnNumber – 27) Mod 676) \ 26 + 65) & _
Chr(((lColumnNumber – 1) Mod 26) + 65)
End If
If i = 1 Then
sColumn2 = sColumnLetter
Exit For
sColumn = sColumnLetter
If lColumn2 = 0 Then Exit For
End If
Next i
If lRow2 > 0 And lColumn2 > 0 Then
RangeAddress = "$" & sColumn & "$" & lRow & ":$" & sColumn2 & "$" & lRow2
ElseIf LenB(sAddress) > 0 Then
If CountStringOccurance(sAddress, ":") = 1 Then
i = InStr(1, sAddress, ":")
sAddress = Right$(sAddress, Len(sAddress) – i + 1)
RangeAddress = "$" & sColumn & "$" & lRow & sAddress
RangeAddress = "$" & sColumn & "$" & lRow
End If
RangeAddress = "$" & sColumn & "$" & lRow
End If
On Error Resume Next
Exit Function
GoTo RangeAddress_Exit
End Function
A better way:
Sub Example()
Dim iColumn As Integer
Dim rRng As Range
Dim sLetter As String
Dim wks As Worksheet
'Initialize variables
iColumn = 35
Set wks = ActiveSheet
'Return column letter
'Note: it is important to work with the a worksheet,
' since if the active sheet is a chart then the Cells function would throw an error.
sLetter = wks.Cells(1, iColumn).Address(False, False)
sLetter = Left$(sLetter, Len(sLetter) – 1)
'Bypass even bothering to get the letter in the first place
With wks
Set rRng = .Range(.Cells(1, iColumn), .Cells(1, iColumn + 3))
End With
Debug.Print "Column Letter: " & sLetter & vbNewLine & "Range Address: " & rRng.Address
End Sub
Results from Example test above:
Column Letter: AI
Range Address: $AI$1:$AL$1