Jon's Programming Blog

Match Expression for JavaScript?

Sometimes (or rather most of the time) it would be nice to have more concise code in JavaScript. I was working with a function that needed quite a bit of if statements. if was awfully cluttered. I had looked at bilby.js examples and hadn’t realized that you can do multiple ternary expressions in a row.

So, instead of,

if (0){
  return 0
else if (1){
   if (2) {
     return 1
   else if (3) {
     return 2
   else {
     return 3
else {
  return 4

You can do,

(0) ? 0
: (1) ?
     (2) ? 1
   : (3) ? 2
   : 3
: 4

Which is much more concise and readable.

So where does match expressions come into play? Glad you asked.

The ternary example above gives a similar feel to F#’s match expressions. So, as an example here’s what a similary structured match expression would look like.

match [something] with 
| pattern0 -> 0
| pattern1 -> 
   match [something else] with
   | pattern2 -> 1
   | pattern3 -> 2
   | _ -> 3
| _ -> 4

Of course, with F# you could probably get away without doing the second match by using a Tuple but that is beyond the scope of this post.

So, let’s look at the real function I made. First, let’s set up the bare parts of the function.

var addRollingArray = function (array, start, end, fraction) {
  var floor = Math.floor
  // Put code below here.

Then we’ll map the array with some helper logic values.

  return, function (value, index) {
    var isIndexStart = (floor(start) === index),
        isIndexBetween = (floor(start) <= index && index <= floor(end)),
        isIndexEnd = (floor(end) === index)
    // Code below goes here.

Here’s the if code,

if (isIndexBetween) {
  if (isIndexStart && isIndexEnd)
    return fraction * (end - start) + value
  else if (isIndexStart)
    return fraction * (1 + index - start) + value
  else if (isIndexEnd)
    return fraction * (end - index) + value
    // Index is fully between start and end values
    return fraction + value
// Index is out of bounds return original value
return value

And here’s the refactored code,

  isIndexBetween ? 
      isIndexStart && isIndexEnd ? fraction * (end - start) + value
    : isIndexStart ? fraction * (1 + index - start) + value
    : isIndexEnd   ? fraction * (end - index) + value
    // Index is fully between start and end values
    : fraction + value
  // Index is out of bounds return original value
  : value
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