Another thing that I like about programming in .NET beyond LINQ and Extensions is lambda expressions. (It should be noted that LINQ, Extensions, and lambda expressions are all related). Lambda expressions are “are callable entities that are defined within a function, you can return a lambda expression from a function and you can pass lambda expressions to other functions.” Lambda expressions come with the System.Core library, so no need to add a reference nor Imports at the top of your class.
Lambda expressions simplify your code by allowing you to call internal functions within functions, even create “function variables.” To get a full overview read the link on lambda expressions.
Let’s take the extension examples I used before, but simplify it with lambda expressions. Before I had to create multiple private functions to accommodate different comparison types (e.g., String, Double, Object, etc). But with lambda expressions I can create local functions that take care of this, which lessons the amount of code and makes the code cleaner.
So let’s dive into some code. First I needed to create a delegate function which accepts multiple types of input and returns an integer.
Delegate Function MoreLessOrEqual(Of T)(ByVal element As T) As Integer
I then created a pointer function which determines which internal function I should use depending on what type of data is received. Notice the lambda expressions written as Function(a As Object)….
Public Function FindIndex2DSorted(ByRef oaArray(,) As Object, ByVal oWhat As Object _
, Optional ByVal iSearchIndex As Integer = 0 _
, Optional ByVal eStringCompare _
As StringComparison = StringComparison.CurrentCulture) As Integer
If TypeOf oWhat Is Double Then 'Use double type comparison.
Dim dWhat As Double = CDbl(oWhat)
Return FindIndex2DSortedLambda(oaArray, Function(a As Object) If(CDbl(a) > dWhat, -1, If(CDbl(a) = dWhat, 0, 1)) _
, iSearchIndex)
ElseIf TypeOf oWhat Is String Then 'Use string type comparison.
Dim sWhat As String = oWhat.ToString
Return FindIndex2DSortedLambda(oaArray, Function(a As Object) String.Compare(CStr(a), sWhat, eStringCompare) _
, iSearchIndex)
Else 'Not set up for other types of data.
Return -1
End If
End Function
In this private function I call the lambda expressions as defined in the function parameters as IsEqual.
Private Function FindIndex2DSortedLambda(ByVal oaArray As Object(,), ByVal IsEqual As MoreLessOrEqual(Of Object) _
, ByVal iSearchIndex As Integer) As Integer
Dim i As Integer, lUpperSearch As Integer, lLowerSearch As Integer, lPrevious As Integer, lNext As Integer
lUpperSearch = oaArray.GetUpperBound(0) : lLowerSearch = 0 : lPrevious = -1
If IsEqual(oaArray(0, iSearchIndex)) < 0 Then 'If value is the less than the first index then skip
Return -1
ElseIf IsEqual(oaArray(lUpperSearch, iSearchIndex)) > 0 Then 'If it is greater than the last index then skip
Return -3
i = -1
End If
'Find start indexes
Dim iResult As Integer
Do While i = -1
lNext = (lUpperSearch + lLowerSearch) \ 2 'Get new search location
iResult = IsEqual(oaArray(lNext, iSearchIndex))
If iResult > 0 Then 'Get new lower search location
lLowerSearch = lNext
ElseIf iResult < 0 Then 'Get new upper search location
lUpperSearch = lNext
Else 'If equal find first instance of item
i = lNext - 1
Do While IsEqual(oaArray(i, iSearchIndex)) = 0
i -= 1
i += 1
End If
If lPrevious = lNext Then 'Get first item
For i = lLowerSearch To lUpperSearch
If IsEqual(oaArray(i, iSearchIndex)) = 0 Then
Return i
End If
Return -2
lPrevious = lNext
End If
Return i
End Function
Note that I could make the private function the a public extension. By doing that I could then easily create more elaborate searches, e.g., I could search for the index of a string with the first three letters equal to “ABC” like below.
Dim sWhat As String = oWhat.ToString.Substring(0, 3)
Return FindIndex2DSortedLambda(oaArray, Function(a As Object) String.Compare(a.ToString.Substring(0, 3), sWhat, eStringCompare) _
, iSearchIndex)