Finding the last cell is a common thing people look for when they are coding in VBA. I made a function that does this automatically for me when I am looking for the last cell. In conjunction with the RRange function this simplifies the programming life for VBA significantly.
Heres some example code on how to use the function FindEnd.
Sub FindEndExamples()
Dim l As Long
'Find last row in column 2 on current worksheet
l = FindEnd(2)
Debug.Print l
'Find last column in row 5 on current worksheet
l = FindEnd(5, 2)
Debug.Print l
'Find very last row in current worksheet
l = FindEnd()
Debug.Print l
'Find very last column in current worksheet
l = FindEnd(, 2)
Debug.Print l
End Sub
And here’s the actual FindEnd Function.
' --------------------------------------------------------------
'Comments: This function finds the last row or column in a
' specified row or colum, if no row or column specified will find last
' row or column in worksheet.
'Arguments: SearchColumnNumber The row or column to be searched.
' Row1Col2 1 will find the last row.
' 2 will find the last column.
' oRange Worksheet to be operated on.
' FindEnd Returns long
'Original Source: 4/22/2009
'Date Developer History
'04/22/09 Jon Nyman Initial Version
'03/09/10 Jon Nyman Changed to returning long instead of integer. Changed input variable names.
'06/23/10 Jon Nyman Changed to using "Pivot Table Data Crunching Method" (pg. 202) method of find
' the last cell in application end. Added a check to see if last cell is filled.
'07/14/10 Jon Nyman Added optional workbook.
'11/08/10 Jon Nyman Added ability to get the last row/column without specifying row or column (using find).
' Changed byval to byref to increase speed.
'09/26/11 Jon Nyman Changed so only need to add worksheet object.
'03/27/12 Jon Nyman Added ability to find last column or row in a range.
Public Function FindEnd(Optional ByVal SearchColumnNumber As Long = 0, Optional ByVal Row1Col2 As Integer = 1, _
Optional ByVal oRange As Object = Nothing) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim sAddress As String
On Error GoTo ExitFindEnd
If oRange Is Nothing Then
Set oRange = ActiveSheet
End If
If Row1Col2 = 2 Then
If SearchColumnNumber = 0 Then
FindEnd = oRange.Cells.Find("*", oRange.Range("A1"), xlFormulas, XlLookAt.xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlPrevious, False, False).Column
If Mid$(oRange.Parent.Name, Len(oRange.Parent.Name) - 3, 1) = "." Then
i = 256
i = Application.Columns.Count
End If
If LenB(oRange.Cells.Item(SearchColumnNumber, i)) > 0 Then
FindEnd = i
FindEnd = CLng(oRange.Range(RangeAddress(SearchColumnNumber, i)).End(xlToLeft).Column)
End If
End If
If SearchColumnNumber = 0 Then
FindEnd = oRange.Cells.Find("*", oRange.Range("A1"), xlFormulas, XlLookAt.xlWhole, xlByRows, xlPrevious, False, False).Row
If Mid$(oRange.Parent.Name, Len(oRange.Parent.Name) - 3, 1) = "." Then
i = 65536
i = Application.Rows.Count
End If
If LenB(oRange.Cells.Item(i, SearchColumnNumber)) > 0 Then
FindEnd = i
FindEnd = CLng(oRange.Range(RangeAddress(i, SearchColumnNumber)).End(xlUp).Row)
End If
End If
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
FindEnd = -1
End If
End Function